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Biggest 3 Countries in the World

Biggest 3 Countries in the World
Biggest 3 Countries in the World

Biggest 3 Countries in the World

More in this article, we’ll look at the world’s biggest countries by surface area. You can probably make a pretty educated guess as to which countries will feature, but one or two of the top ten might come as a bit of a surprise.

Data comes from Worldometer’s estimates of the land area for each country and rounded to the nearest 100,000 km². If this done with the total area that includes bodies of water such as lakes and reservoirs, the top ten countries would be the same with some minor changes in the order.

1. Russia – 16.4 million km²

Spanning two continents, Russia is comfortably the largest country in the world and, in total, occupies about 11% of the Earth’s total land mass. There are lots of statistics and facts that put into perspective just how great this place is.

Maybe it’s measured in time zones rather than miles or kilometers. The western Kaliningrad region sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania is 10 hours behind some of Russia’s remote areas, such as Kamchatka Krai, which is even further east than Far Eastern countries like Japan and South Korea. You can also feel the vast dimension of Russia by jumping on the famous Trans-Siberian Railway connecting Moscow to the Pacific port of Vladivostok. The journey takes just over six days and covers 9,289 km.

The vast northern region of Siberia occupies more than half of Russia’s total territory, and if it were a country of its own, it would still be the largest in the world.

2. China – 9.4 million km²

In this article, we’ll look at the world’s largest countries by surface area. Probably a pretty educated one as to which countries to take part in. You can guess, but one or two of the top ten may come as a bit of a surprise.

The data comes from Worldometer’s estimates of the land area for each country and rounded to the nearest 100,000 km². If this done with the total area that includes bodies of water such as lakes and reservoirs, the top ten countries would be the same with some minor changes in the order.

3. USA – 9.1 million km²

Next, we head to the United States, which has a slightly larger land area than neighboring Canada.

A bit like China, its largest region is also one of the least populated. Alaska is the largest state in the USA in terms of area. It makes up more than 15% of its total territory, but its population. It’s under 750,000 but since it’s only. The states of Wyoming and Vermont have fewer residents. But California and Texas are also in the three largest states. In this case both in terms of size and population. At least on the US mainland though it doesn’t have the extreme distances of Russia. Hawaii residents would be forgiven for feeling a little disconnected from the rest of the country. It takes 9 hours and 30 minutes to fly from Honolulu to New York. It’s even further from Honolulu to Boston, and technically the South Pacific islands of French Polynesia entirely. It forms part of the nation of France and is halfway between Papeete and Paris. Although the 2020 direct flight is longer, it is sometimes referred to as the longest domestic flight in the world.


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