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Top 30 Free Online Courses

Online courses
Online courses

Top 30 Free Online Courses

In light of the recent change in the education map and the world, the demand for online top education programs has doubled compared to the past. According to Class Central, there are more than 110 million people enrolled in online education courses today. 13,500 universities have launched many free online courses that make education accessible to everyone.

These courses, which are beneficial for anyone who wants to increase their knowledge or prepare a strong resume. Can be easily accessed through online education platforms on the internet. Furthermore, We conducted a search for 30 free online courses in the most sought after fields such as IELTS or TOEFL preparations. Therefore, English language lessons, programming, accounting, artificial intelligence, which have been reviewed by millions of students worldwide. Happy reading!

Course programs in English and various languages

English is now the global lingua franca and learning is not a luxury! English language education, which is indispensable for the education and business world, has been among the most popular courses for students. However, many people who want to learn a second foreign language such as German, Korean, Japanese and Russian.

1. Exploring English: Language and Culture Expert Track: However, the course program provided by the British Council is a great choice for those who want to improve their English language and explore British culture.

2.Improve your IELTS Speaking Score: Macquarie University, one of Australia’s top educational institutions. Furthermore, offers a great course to improve their scores for those preparing for the IELTS speaking test. Moreover, online education is completely free.

3.Speak English Professionally – In Person, Online & On the Phone: A free online English course where you can improve your English speaking skills. However, the provided by the Georgia Institute of Technology.

4.Understanding IELTS ExpertTrack: A great course program for those preparing for the IELTS exam from the British Council awaits you. Furthermore, With online training, you can learn what you need to know about the IELTS listening test and technical information to improve your test performance.

5.English Grammar and Style: Therefore, the online course program offered by the University of Queensland was created to help improve English grammar and writing.

6.Grammar and Punctuation: however, free online language training provided by the University of California. Irvine is more geared towards improving your academic spelling in English grammar and punctuation.

7.TOEFL® Test Preparation, The Insider’s Guide: The online English course program offered by ETSx for students preparing for the TOEFL test includes reading, writing, listening and speaking sections for the TOEFL test.

8.English for Career Development: Funded by the University of Pennsylvania and the U.S. Department of Education and Cultural Affairs Office of English Language Programs. However, The English for Career Development course is designed for non-native speakers who want to advance their careers in the global marketplace.

9.Chinese for Beginners: Peking University provides an online Chinese language course for beginners. Furthermore, for those interested in Chinese culture and language.

10.First Step Korean: Yonsei University, one of the best universities in South Korea, offers free language courses to students who want to learn Korean.

Programming, artificial intelligence and computer courses

In the world of technology, artificial intelligence and programming languages ​​that serve all these goals. While online education is becoming more and more popular, the world’s best universities offer free online courses, where you can reach your goals very quickly. However, We’ve gathered the top priorities for you.

11. Machine Learning: Stanford University offers online courses in machine learning for students from all over the world. Furthermore, this course; provides a broad introduction to machine learning, data mining, and statistical model recognition.

12. CS50: Introduction to Computer Science: The top introductory computer science course offered by Harvard University is an online education program for those with or without previous experience in computer science and programming.

13. The Data Scientist’s Toolbox: The Data Scientist’s Toolbox online course program is delivered by Johns Hopkins University. However, the program provides an overview of the data, questions, and tools that data analysts and data scientists work with.

14. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python):

The aim of the program is to teach everyone the basics of computer programming using Python. There are no prerequisites for participation in courses provided by the University of Michigan.

15. Algorithms, Part I: Princeton University offers an online course that covers the basics of algorithms and data structures.

16. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Furthermore, the world’s best university, offers Introduction to Computer Science and Programming using Python.

17. Learn to Program: The Fundamentals: University of Toronto offers a great free online course that introduces you to the basic building blocks of programming and teaches you how to write fun and useful programs using the Python language.

18. Exam 70-779: Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Excel: It also offers a free online certificate option for those who want to take a course on analyzing and visualizing data using Microsoft Excel.

19. Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 1.

However, the University of Maryland provides trainees with a basic knowledge of Java an excellent course in the design and implementation of Android applications for mobile devices

20. Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques: Stanford University offers the opportunity to design, test and implement algorithms with an introductory artificial intelligence course.

Free Classes at Top 10 Universities in the World, 40 Educational and Useful Websites for Students. Artificial Intelligence Education and Career Opportunities in our guide.

Business, economics and accounting courses

For industries and companies, management and accounting continue to be indispensable foundations of economic life. Therefore, increasing skills for students and recent graduates is always one of the areas that needs further development. The following online training courses are the most requested in this field.

21. Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: Furthermore, The First Step in Entrepreneurship: University of Maryland offers online training for enthusiastic and active entrepreneurs and big companies on how to develop great ideas.

22. Competitive Strategy:

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, online training course; Furthermore, using the fundamental tools of game theory, it analyzes how businesses choose strategies to gain competitive advantage.

23. Introduction to Public Speaking: The Introduction to Public Speaking course provides you with a reliable model for preparing and delivering effective presentations. However, The University of Washington. Furthermore, one of the best universities in America, also offers online certificates to trainees.

24. Introduction to Financial Accounting: The Introduction to Financial Accounting Course offers the opportunity to master the technical skills required to analyze income. However, Balance sheet and cash flow statements and statements by the University of Pennsylvania.

25. Risk Management in the Global Economy: University of London offers a great online free course to explore the role financial markets and risk management tools play in the global economy.

26. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Explained: Would you like to explore blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency market with the University of Michigan?

27. Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Explore with Harvard University how entrepreneurship and innovation are solving complex social problems in emerging economies.

28. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: With Princeton University. However, you will find answers to many questions such as how bitcoin works, what makes bitcoin different. How secure are your bitcoins, can cryptocurrencies be regulated.

29. Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills: IT from University of Michigan


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