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High Quality Research Natural Index Tops The List In China

Chinese Academy of Sciences' high-quality research natural
Chinese Academy of Sciences' high-quality research natural

Chinese Academy of Sciences’ high-quality research natural index tops the list

The Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked top in the 2021 annual list of the Natural Index,. Highlighting the institutions and countries that dominate high-quality research in the natural sciences. Harvard University ranked second, followed by the Max Planck Society of Germany and the French National Center for Scientific Research.

By tracking the affiliation of academic achievements from January 1 to December 31, 2020. The Natural Index Table assesses the share of articles published by institutions or countries in 82 well-known scientific journals selected by independent expert groups, covering life sciences , Physical sciences, chemistry, and earth and environmental sciences, according to its official website.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has won the championship for nine consecutive years. In 2020, it will continue to maintain its seemingly impeccable leading position, more than twice that of its closest rival, Harvard University.

Max Planck Institute, French National Center for Scientific Research and Stanford University continue to rank among the top five.

Five other Chinese universities also ranked in the top 20, including University of Science and Technology of China at 11th, Peking University at 12th, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences at 13th, Nanjing University at 14th and Tsinghua University at 18th.

In terms of national rankings, the United States had the most academic output last year. Followed by China, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan.

According to the official website, David Swinbanks, the founder of the Nature Index, said that the results of the annual table show that in a difficult year hit by the pandemic. the research department resilient, and many institutions either maintain Or improve its natural science output.

He also said that articles related to COVID-19 are published faster than usual. Which may explain the elasticity of the number of publications to a certain extent.


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