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How to Get the Best Grades

Examination suggestion
Examination suggestion

How to Get the Best Grades

Effective repetition

We all know that one of the most helpful things we can do before taking any test is to repeat. But how many of us know how to repeat effectively? After making a list of everything that needs repetition, set a revision schedule to ensure you’re doing a review that fully covers the content of the course you’ve taken. In this way, you can be sure that no subject overlooked, and you can also make it easier for yourself to perceive the subjects by reviewing them in smaller pieces.

If you have a spare room—a room without a television is ideal—to avoid distractions and distractions in your replay process, you can work alone there. In this process, you should stay away from the Internet as much as possible, especially from social media sites.

Some work effectively all day undisturbed and focused, but people often have short attention spans and focus. It’s a good idea to give your brain time to rest; Most experts say that 60 to 90 minutes of work is ideal. If you plan to work longer than that, you can avoid commuting to the kitchen by stocking up on some snacks and water.

Work makes perfect

Regardless of the exam you will take; You can find examples on the Internet. Downloading these samples to your computer as soon as you find them can greatly contribute to your work. If you are studying in a classroom setting, your teacher should provide you with such examples.

It is very important that you solve such test examples in order to get used to the exam format and to follow your own progress. By solving these examples, it not only helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, but also lets you learn to what extent you can solve the test with real time constraints. The more you practice, the less likely you are to panic in the exam, so you can better focus on the questions.

You should also strengthen your fitness before the exam; especially if you’re used to taking breaks every hour or so. As part of the exam, you have to gather your thoughts and complete your writing until the end of the time, by staying focused, without getting up from your seat. For this reason, it will make your work easier if you work in sections of 3-4 hours.

Preparation and arrival at the exam site

It scientifically proven that many factors have an impact on your exam performance. These include your hydration ratio, which can determine your focus. If you are taking an exam that will take longer than 2 hours, you should definitely bring water with you.

All methods that will reduce and normalize your stress level will be useful in focusing. Exams always create stress, but this stress can provide motivation as long as it is not excessive. But it can also be reduced when it is excessive. For example, going to the exam hall in advance and getting used to the environment and placing the items you will need next to you can normalize your stress level.

During the Exam

You should adjust your time and speed well during the exam. Before you start, take a look at how many questions you have and the time you can devote to each; After spending half an hour on the first two questions, you don’t want to squeeze the remaining three into the last half hour! You should have a wrist watch in the exam just in case; unless you can guarantee that you will be sitting close to the clock in the exam hall.

Whatever you do, be sure to think through the questions carefully and write down all the answers you can give to each question. Even if you suspect that you will not be able to answer the questions completely correctly, take care to write answers. After all, you will not be penalized for your wrong answers in this type of exam, resulting in a reduction in the number of correct answers.

Take care of yourselves

This seemingly simple advice is often overlooked and forgotten at work; However, the health issue is too important to ignore. You should be careful in the face of this situation, which can negatively affect your exam. It is important to repeat and study, but it is useless trying to load so much information that it tires your brain. While preparing for your exam, you should not forget to pay attention to what you eat, sleep and daily exercise.

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